All tagged sitecore

Sitecore Community Resources

A list of all the resources within the Sitecore community to help you learn Sitecore, get introduced to other Sitecore products, find out about events happening in the community, aid you in the next step in your career, or help you get and maintain your MVP.

Top 10.1 new features of Sitecore 10.1

Sitecore 10.1’s big release happened yesterday (2/25/2021). So, for all of you on Sitecore 7.x, 8.x, 9.x, the big question will be should you upgrade to Sitecore 10.1 and what is the benefit for the cost of the upgrade. Before you evaluate your upgrade, take a quick look at the top features of Sitecore 10.1, how to use them, and the potential ROI from using the feature efficiiently. Without further ado here are the Sitecore 10.1 new features